13 Vegan Protein Benefits Compared to Animal Protein
Vegan protein is the healthiest source of protein and contrary to popular belief, animal protein is not the only source of complete proteins. There’s a great debate on whether humans need to supplement their vegan diet with animal protein. The truth, there are many plant-based foods that are complete proteins. The same way the body stores unwanted fat to build it can store enough necessary proteins to maintain an adequate balance in the body. The human body is approximately 20% protein which is made up of amino acids, organic compounds which can be essential, non-essential or conditional.
The body cannot make the 9 essential amino acids lysine, histidine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, valine, methionine, leucine and isoleucine. This is why they must come from our daily diet. Amino acids are often called the “building block” of proteins and are very important to each and every cell in your body. We need protein in our diet to prevent and fight diseases and health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol and strokes as well as extending our lives and looking younger. It is imperative that you get enough protein whether you choose vegan or animal protein as the source.
Here are the Benefits of Vegan Protein Compared to Animal Protein
- Provides All the essential amino acids (complete protein)
Your body can get the essential proteins needed on a vegan diet. Many people mistakenly believe that a plant-based diet is lacking because plants are not considered complete proteins like animal proteins from poultry, fish, meat eggs and dairy. There are several plant foods with complete proteins and contain all of the essential amino acids. Pine Pollen, moringa, Amaranth, Spirulina, quinoa, buckwheat, hemp seeds, chia seeds, and pumpkin seeds are all complete proteins.
The only way a vegan would be lacking in amino acids is if they ate the same thing every single day. It is unlikely that anyone would follow the exact same diet daily whether they are vegan, pescatarian, pollotarian (no red meat or pork), pesce-pollotarian (only fish and seafood) or a carnivore (meat eater). You do not need to get all the amino acids in one meal. The important thing is throughout the day, make sure you eat a variety of foods. It is believed that plant protein is far more superior than animal protein because the health benefits outweigh the health risks that comes with eating animal protein.
- Reduces Risk of Cancer/Tumor Growth
There is definitely a link between the consumption of red meat and cancer. The molecule, NEU5GC, is found in excessive amounts in beef, bison, lamb, and pork. This molecule triggers an inflammation response which can lead to long term inflammation and tumor growth. The good news is that this molecule is not found in fruits and vegetables. This is just one of many benefits to following a plant-based diet instead of eating meat protein.
- Lowers Calories/Cholesterol/Saturated Fat
Unlike meat, vegetables are notoriously low in calories, cholesterol and saturated fat. Vegan protein has been accredited to reducing the growing health problems caused by eating an animal protein diet. For example, a gram of beef protein contains 23 times more saturated fat than a gram from lentils. High caloric intake, high cholesterol and saturated fat consumption contributes to a host of health disorders. You can greatly reduce and prevent several health conditions by maintaining a vegan diet.
- Reduces Risk of Stroke
When you are on a diet that relies on plant proteins you have a lower risk of stroke. A healthy diet of vegan proteins may decrease your risk of having a stroke by 10%.
- Protects Against Heart Disease
Eating vegan protein as opposed to animal protein can protect you against heart disease. A review of eight studies found that people who followed a vegetarian or vegan diet were 30% less likely to die from heart disease than people who ate meat. There are many substances found in plants that can prevent cancer therefore it is vital to eat a diet rich in plant proteins.
- Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Individual that follows plant-based diets have lower risk levels of developing type 2 diabetes than who the ones following a meat-based diet. They are also less likely to be overweight which obesity greatly contributes to developing type 2 diabetes.
- Promote Longevity
A study was completed with over 100,000 people that showed a link in between eating unprocessed and processed red meat and a shorter lifespan. Eating one additional serving of unprocessed meat each day increases your risk of death by 13%. Eating one additional serving of processed red meat increases your risk of death by 20%. Eating a vegan protein diet can add many years to your life.
- Promotes a Health digestive System
Meat does not contain dietary fiber. Fiber is very important to help keep the digestive system balanced and is only contained on plant-based foods. Eating more plant protein may improve overall health.
- Prevents unhealthy Weight gain
The fiber in a plant-based diet can help control weight. You consume lower calories when eating vegan protein as opposed to animal protein. Maintaining a healthy weight is imperative to your overall health.
- Promotes Radiant Skin
Vegan protein contains several antioxidants that will give your skin a radiant glow. Everyone knows that meat and dairy can cause acne problems. Eating a plant-based diet can help resolve and in some case seven prevent acne.
- Beautifies Hair
The nutrients found in vegan protein can make your hair stronger, shinier and longer. The hair loves vitamin B and K, potassium, omega-3 and selenium which you get from eating vegetables and fresh greens.
- Anti-Aging
There are many benefits to following a diet based on vegan protein versus animal protein that is filled with toxicity. Most people always want to look younger and a vegan diet will help you do just that and live longer. The antioxidants found in plants that fight free radicals can help avert premature wrinkles and aging.
- No kidney damage (unlike animal protein)
High intake of animal protein is linked to kidney damage. Some studies find high intake of animal protein increases renal damage in experimental animal models. The researchers found that “Eating a lot of animal protein leads to increased acid and toxins in the body, which puts more pressure on the kidneys to filter and process those harmful substances.
Eat a healthy vegan diet rich in protein by including lots of leafy greens, whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts, legumes and certain fruits such as avocados. We hope that this video will help you at least consider all the benefits of eating vegan protein and staying on a plant-based diet. The most important thing to remember whether you consume vegan or animal protein is to always eat a variety of foods in order to get all 9 essential amino acids and cover all your dietary needs. It is best to avoid sugar in both diets.
Thank you for reading to the end.